Cross-pollination of plants by bees – the most important agricultural practices, which allows to achieve great results in increasing the crop and improving its taste and product quality. Benefits for your orchards, greenhouses and farm fields: larger and more uniform fruit or vegetables, and increased pounds per acre.

It is important that honeybees overwinter in large families. In the spring, when the number of wild pollinators dramatically reduced, bee family can refer to the collection of nectar and pollen ten-thousandth army of worker bees (and more). Bees help set the early vigorous blossoms.
Well-placed hives in the orchard or field can help ensure a steady income to the farmer from year to year. It is best to begin the arrangements for spring pollination services before the beginning of winter so that the beekeeper can adequately prepare and ensure the availability of pollinators.

Call us to have an estimated price of placement our honey bees hives on your orchards, greenhouses and farm fields for pollination.