The bee hive is a storehouse of useful substances. Honey, propolis, pollen – all these products only benefit us. Please call us for a price.

beekeeping products, HONEY


We sell honey for our relatives and friends. Please call us for a price.

beekeeping products; HONEYCOMB


Bee honeycomb is an excellent natural food.

beekeeping products; PROPOLIS


Propolis is a bee glue. It is used for housing construction, gluing gaps, building. Propolis is the strongest natural antibiotic.

beekeeping products, BEE POLLEN


Bees, collecting nectar, do not forget about bee pollen. Most of the collected bee pollen they can preserve in honey. Beekeepers put special pollen collectors to collect a part of the pollen, because it is so useful. The pollen contains all the necessary amino acids that a person should receive with food, since the body can not synthesize them.

To buy honey, propolis and other products, please, call us or email us for RFQ